164 research outputs found

    Dynamic urban projection mapping

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    “Dynamic projection mapping” is a variation of the best-known “projection mapping”. It considers the perceptual analysis of the urban landscape in which the video projection and the observer’s displacement speed are hypothesized. This latter, in particular, is variable and may depend on factors not directly controllable by the driver (slowdowns due to accidents, rallies, etc.). This speed can be supported and controlled by a number of traffic flow measurement systems. These data are available on the internet, like Google Maps APIs and/or speed sensors located close to the point of interest. The content of projection becomes dynamic and varies according to how the observer perceives the vehicle: slow, medium, fast

    Traditional museums, virtual museums. Dissemination role of ICTs.

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    Molti spazi della cultura, che si configurano come musei di sé stessi, presentano al loro interno pochi reperti esposti. È il caso di musei in edifici o aree archeologiche di seconda fascia, dai quali la maggior parte dei reperti è stata spostata in musei di importanza superiore o dove i reperti sono stati rimossi per diverse esigenze organizzative/espositive. In queste situazioni le ICT permettono di sviluppare un efficace sistema di comunicazione e disseminazione, coinvolgendo i visitatori e gli studiosi mediante l’utilizzo di procedure collegate all’Edutainment, all’interactive ed immersive experience, ai serious games e alla gamification. Come caso studio sono presi il Museo delle Mura, come museo in un edificio, e la Villa di Massenzio, come area archeologica, entrambi collocati sulla Via Appia Antica a Roma. Le esigenze della Sovrintendenza sono di valorizzare e divulgare: - la presenza del Museo, collocato in una delle numerose porte romane ancora ben conservate e site nel giro delle Mura Aureliane; - la storia della porta e del breve tratto di mura ad essa connesse; - la storia e l’articolazione delle mura di Roma. Per la Villa di Massenzio l’obiettivo principale è far comprendere la storia e la funzione delle due strutture (il circo ed il Mausoleo di Romolo), oggi visibili e visitabili, garantendo una maggiore comprensione di un’area di circa 4 ettari, in cui i visitatori oggi possono beneficiare solo di alcuni pannelli informativi.Many cultural spaces, which have been transformed into museums contain very few exhibits. In particular, museums in buildings or second-tier archaeological areas, where most of the finds have been moved to museums of major importance or exhibits that have been removed for different organizational/exhibition needs. In these situations, the use of ICT affords the possibility to incorporate effective communication and dissemination systems. As a result, it involves visitors and scholars within the exhibit using procedures related to edutainment, interactive and immersive experiences, serious games and gamification. As a case study are taken the Museum of the Walls, as a museum in building, and the archaeological area of the Maxentius archaeological complex, as an open-air museum, both located on the Ancient Appia road. In the Museum of the Walls Superintendent's requirements are to enhance and disseminate: - the presence of the Museum, located in one of the many well-preserved Roman city gates located in the Aurelian Walls; - the history of the city gate and of the short section of walls connected to it; - the history and articulation of the walls of Rome. In the Maxentius archaeological the main goal is to make understand the history and the function of the two main structures (the circus and a Mausoleum of Romulus), which are visible and open to visitors, ensuring a greater understanding of an area with the size of about 4 hectares, where visitors today can only benefit information from some panels

    Procedura di information modeling per rappresentare un territorio colpito dal sisma

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    La procedura ARIM (Assessment Reconstruction Information Modeling) può essere vista come evoluzione e integrazione dei sistemi BIM finora utilizzati per monitorare e documentare le trasformazioni del territorio quali l’HBIM, il GeoBIM, il LIM e il SeismicBIM, rappresentandone al contempo una naturale evoluzione per la gestione della prevenzione e della ricostruzione collegata alle cala- mità naturali. Viene descritta l’applicazione della procedura al caso studio di un aggregato edilizio di Grisciano, frazione del Comune di Accumoli, descrivendo le fasi che costituiscono la parte del progetto/ricostruzione della procedura BIM: formazione del quadro conoscitivo, a sua volta distinto in “conoscenza diretta” e “conoscenza differita”; elaborazione dei dati rilevati; framework della procedura ARIM, che prevede una sotto-articolazione in acquisizione dei dati e loro sintesi; infine, costruzione del modello 3D sintetico e informato.ARIM (Assessment Reconstruction Information Modeling) procedure can be seen as the evolution and integration of the BIM systems used so far to monitor and document the transformations of the territory, such as HBIM, GeoBIM, LIM and SeismicBIM, representing at the same time their natural evolution for the management of prevention and reconstruction connected to natural disasters. The application of the procedure is described on the case study of a building aggregate of Grisciano, a borough of the Municipality of Accumoli, describing the steps that constitute the part of the design/reconstruction of the BIM procedure, consisting of: cognitive framework, distinguished in ‘direct knowledge’ and ‘deferred knowledge’; processing of the data collected; framework of the ARIM procedure, which provides a sub-articulation in data acquisition and their synthesis, finally the construction of the synthetic and informed 3D model

    3D Modeling to Reconstruct a Paleontological Site: Museum of Casal de’ Pazzi in Rome

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    Today, 3D modeling allows the creation of sophisticated reconstructions in the field of Paleontology that until a short time ago could only be obtained with traditional techniques and hand-made drawings. An interesting methodological application is the Museum of Casal de’ Pazzi in Rome. In this case 3D modeling has allowed the reconstruction, starting from the discovery of some finds, an “Ancient Elephant,” a “Urus,” and a “Neanderthal Man”. Modeling was performed with the help of scientific data and experienced paleontologists and anthropologists. 3D models were completed with the “digital sculpting” technique, allowing a more accurate reconstruction of the shape and appearance of the animals and hominin. The models were subsequently used for multimedia and interactive communication, describing the history of the place where the Museum is located

    Computer-aided design (CAD)

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    Acronimo di Computer-Aided Design (progettazione assistita da elaboratore). È una famiglia di procedure e software di tipo vettoriale, utilizzati per il disegno architettonico e meccanico, per il rilievo di oggetti ed edifici

    Rappresentazione a rilievo nei percorsi museali

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    Il contributo ha la volontà di esplorare alcune modalità di rappresentazione a rilievo per tradurre la realtà fenomenica delle testi-monianze presenti nei percorsi museali in un linguaggio efficace che riesca a trasferire quelle informazioni a persone con disabilità visive. La ricerca, supportata anche dall’emanazione di indicazioni da parte della Direzione generale dei Musei del MIBACT, che richiedono di agevolare la comunicazione del patrimonio culturale a tutte le tipologie di fruitori, nasce da un’analisi delle realtà museali europee che evidenzia i diversi approcci a questo argomento. Lo sviluppo della metodologia ha come base uno studio delle capacità percettive e delle procedure di apprendimento dei disabili visivi, alla quale si affiancano alcune considerazioni sulle modalità di rappresentazione a rilievo. Da queste premesse si sono sviluppate alcune procedure e buone pratiche che cercano di individuare delle soluzioni efficaci ed efficienti per la corretta comunicazione per la percezione aptica delle informazioni culturali nei confronti dei disabili visivi.Parole chiave: disabilità visiva, disegno a rilievo, pannello tattile, comunicazione tattile, rappresentazione visuo-tattile.The paper has the aim to explore relief representation mode able to transfer meanings of objects present in museum itineraries into an effective language understandable by people with visual disabilities. The research, also supported by issuing of indications by the General Directorate of the Museums of MIBACT, which require facilitating the communication of cultural heritage to all types of users, arises from an analysis of European museum realities that highlights the different approaches to this topic. The development of a methodology has, as its basis, a study of perceptive abilities and learning procedures of the visually impaired, which is accom-panied by some considerations on methods of relief representation. From these premises some procedures and good practices are developed, which seek to identify effective and efficient solutions for a correct communication for the haptic perception of cultural information towards visually impaired people.Keywords: visual impairment, relief representation, tactile panel, tactile communication, visual-tactile representation

    Chapter HBIM e ICT. Il BIM per la valorizzazione della Fortezza Pisana di Marciana

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Fortified churches between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries on Elba Island

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    [EN] Against the threat of Islamic, Norman and Greek pirates, starting from the eighth century, or due to conflicts with the Genoese, Catalans, Neapolitans and French, up to the English and Dutch corsairs from the sixteenth century, Elba island is organized with a respectable defensive apparatus, especially thanks to the Pisans and the Lordship of the Appiano. In addition to a system of fortresses, towers positioned on the shore of the beaches and watch towers placed on the mountain, the presence of some fortified churches from the eleventh century until the sixteenth century is very unusual: the church of San Niccolò in San Piero in Campo, the church of Sant’Ilario, the church of San Niccolò in Poggio, and of the church of Saints Martyrs Giacomo and Quirico in Rio nell’Elba. Main tasks of the research are: study of the transformations of the churches of San Niccolò in San Piero in Campo and of the church of Sant’Ilario, located on the southern slope of Monte Capanne, where was used the construction technique of the granite of the Elba; the way of communicating cultural heritage among scholars or tourists who are fascinated by such structures. Through an initial operation of instrumental survey with 3D laser scanning and drone photogrammetry it is possible to return the current 3D models of the churches. The second step goes on two main directions: on one hand identifying the conservative restoration operations for the fortified churches; on the other hand allowing the dissemination to a wider public of the history of the two fortified churches.Empler, T.; Quici, F.; Caldarone, A.; Fusinetti, A.; Rossi, ML. (2020). Chiese fortificate all’Isola d’Elba tra l’XI e XVI secolo. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 293-300. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11483OCS29330

    Ecosistemi Digitali e Risorse Culturali. Digital Ecosystems and Cultural Resources

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    Le Risorse Culturali Digitali possono rivestire un ruolo fondamentale sia in termini di conservazione dell’identità dei luoghi ma soprattutto come strumento orientato ad una gestione del patrimonio costruito. In questo scenario, se da un lato le collezioni tradizionali tendono a divenire sempre più diffusamente disponibili, dall’altro fonti informative inedite e a volte inaspettate stanno apportando contributi non più trascurabili.Digital Cultural Resources can play an essential role both in terms of preserving the identity of heritage places and, above all, as a tool aimed at managing the built heritage. In this scenario, while traditional collections tend to become increasingly widely available, on the other side unpublished and sometimes unexpected information sources are bringing contributions that are no longer negligible

    Modellazione 3D & rendering

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    Il volume si propone di indagare i procedimenti per realizzare le modellazioni 3D ed il loro successivo utilizzo, che può essere indirizzato al campo della figurazione, mediante delle operazioni di renderizzazione, all'ottenimento di elaborati grafici tradizionali per l'esecuzione di un'opera, alla modalità realizzativa CAD/CAM, dove oggetti e componenti vengono realizzati con macchine a controllo numerico. Alla prima fase di analisi e documentazione, fa seguito una indagine rivolta al mercato dell'architettura, per comprendere con quali modalità e in che misura alcuni studi di architettura utilizzano l'elaboratore elettronico per governare il loro processo progettuale. La ricerca è incentrata su tre importanti studi americani, i quali utilizzano le nuove tecniche infografiche con modalità operative tra loro diverse: F.O. Gehry, E.O. Moss e NBBJ Architecture. Infine l'ultima parte esamina come la modellazione 3D entri nel campo dell'entertainment e dei videogiochi, prendendo a riferimento giochi di “strategia real time”
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